Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009


Mickey and I visited you in your new place this morning. You were so clean and were sleeping really good. I spoke to you and you didn't respond right away but after a few times trying, you opened your right eye and looked at me. The nurse was giving you your meds. We could only stay a little while, the guy in x-ray came to tell us he was about to take you for some x-rays. He said that it would take a long while to get them done, they were taking several. I'm so impressed! This place is so nice, it's clean and it looks professional. I pray that you flourish here! I really think they have so many opportunities for you to progress here and we plan to take advantage of every one!

Dad & Diana visited you this morning. They said they were able to talk with the doctor who is caring for you. He talked about putting botox in your left elbow to help loosen it up. Right now you keep it bent across your chest and your not using it at all. When we work with that hand, you grimace in pain. So, this will be really good if the botox works. Other than that, you opened your eye but didn't respond. It's really great the way this facility is right on top of things!

Mom's coming to see you after work.

Take care little brother!! Love you much! XO Jen

Email from California:
From cousin Melinda....
Hi Johnny WE LOVE YOU KISSES:):):)

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