Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 36 : Feb 16 - Feb 22


Cody and I came to see you on Tuesday and we were greeted by two deer up the road. The buck took off but the doe stayed around for her picture to be taken.

I was able to be there when your physical therapist worked with you and I saw you move your right leg. She told you to kick it and you did a little bit. Then she told you to put your head to your chest and lift it until your head was resting on the headrest. It wasn't a fast motion, it took you some time but you did it all on your own twice!

Mickey and I found out that we are having a little BOY!! We are so excited! When I told you, you gave me a thumbs up.

Jackie does your night feedings and doesn't like for anyone to help her!

Occupational & Physical therapy ... tag teaming you : )
We had a room-warming party for you on Saturday and invited a few people to come out. You received so much stuff, the generosity was overwhelming! There are so many people that love you so much Johnny!
My friend Jennifer Kids wrote this poem for you:

Lives have been changed
time seemed to stand still
yet God laid before us
His good & perfect will
with the trials & changes
that quickly sped past
God's mercy & grace
are the true things that last
a homecoming sweet
with love & care all around
Johnny's future is here
a new room, safe & sound

You had a doctor's appointment on Monday with the Baclofen pump doctor. Mom said that she and Diana took you and you tolerated the drive well. The doctor increased your pump which may make you sleepy for the next 4 days.

Love you Johnny!! xo Jen

Week 35 : Feb 9 - Feb 15


This has been a crazy week. It snowed on Thursday like I've never seen it before in my life. I took some pictures. By the time we made it out to see you on Sunday, we still had tons of snow at our house but you didn't have any at all...just water puddles. You've been doing really good with your physical, occupational and speech therapies.

My house

My back yard swing

Would you say mom needs a rest? She's even got a diagram on how it should go...LOL!!

Ready for your shave
Love you!! xo Jen

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 10, 2010


An aide came this morning to give you a bath. You didn't have any
therapies other than what Mom and Diana gave you. Diana came at noon and stayed with you while Mom and Robert went to pick up some medical supplies and go to the grocery store. Mom gave you a whole jar of apple blueberry and you ate all of it without aspirating any. That's great! Mom asked you if you might like to go to church on Wednesday nights and you signed yes. She said she would start taking you next week. You'll enjoy getting out, the music and the change of scenery.

Love you!! xo Jen

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 9, 2010


You had a Dr. appointment with Dr. John today. Mom said that he went over all your medications and explained some things to mom about them. You did very well. I bet it was nice for you to get out for a while.

Physical Therapy came and did some leg exercises. She gave mom some exercises to do when she didn't have anything else to do. When mom told me that, I laughed! That woman is so busy...she has no extra time. But, I bet your leg exercises get done!

Love you!! xo Jen

February 8, 2010


Speech came for two hours today. You did really good. The therapist told mom that she's going to have to change her goals for you, she has them too low.

Dad came for a while to visit.

Love you!! xo Jen

February 7, 2010


Diana came this morning while Mom & Robert went to church. After church, Buddy came by to visit. Mom said you had a really good visit with him.

You worked on your exercises today.

Love you!! xo Jen

February 6, 2010


Well, it's getting harder to blog your daily events...mostly because your events from day to day are the same. I may start blogging a week at a time.

Mom and Robert have been giving you a shower every morning. Mom said that Robert helps get you into the shower chair and she bathes you and then he'll help get you back in bed. You really enjoy your morning showers. You've been watching movies and listening to music when your doing your therapies. Mom put some bird feeders outside your window for you to enjoy but the birds haven't figured it out yet. You always had bird feeders outside your windows before your accident.

Your temperature is 99 - your getting tylenol and antibiotics.

Love you!! xo Jen

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010


Your temperature today is 99 degrees. That's a pretty normal temperature for you. because of your brain injury, your temperature tends to run a little high. You do have a virus though and the doctor gave you an antibiotic. So, I'm wondering, did you get me sick or did I get you sick.

Rehab without walls came today and did physical and occupational therapy with you. Mom said that your a flirt with one of the therapists. Mom said while the therapist was trying to put your shirt on and struggling because you wouldn't help, you gave her a goofy grin when she asked why you won't help her. Typical! She said, I think your messing with me ... you grinned.

Diana came today and did your respiratory. Mom said that they were going to try and give you jar food today. I hope you do well, that's one thing you really loved when you were at Traymore.

Love you!! xo Jen

February 4, 2010


You had a better night but your still running fever.

Mom said that she's had the cuff on your trach deflated all day and you've tolerated that well.

I went to the doctor and I have a viral infection. Because I'm pregnant, there's not a lot of over the counter meds I can take and I'm not sick enough to have a prescription... So, I'm not going to be able to see you for a while. I don't want to take any chances with your health.

Love you!! xo Jen

February 3, 2010


Well, you had a pretty good first night home. Mom said that you ran fever all night so, of course, she didn't get much sleep. I think it's probably like having a new born right now...you'll both fall into a routine. Diana came by today and gave you meds and your breathing treatment. She stayed with you while mom ran to the pharmacy for your other meds. I'm not sure how many your taking but it's a bunch.

Angels at home came to see you today, they are an organization that sends out nurses to check on your wounds, etc. They will be coming out once a week. They said that your wounds looked really good and were healing.

Rehab without walls came out to do Physical and Occupational therapy. They will be coming out 3 hours a day a few times a week.

I wanted to come see you so badly today but, I am sick. I'm not sure what I have but it feels like the flu, and that's the last thing you need!

Love you!! xo Jen

February 2, 2010


Mom, Jackie and I got to Baylor at 9am to pick you up. It took us almost two hours to gather your stuff, do paperwork and say our goodbyes. It was bittersweet wheeling you across the parking lot. We got you into the van and strapped down and then we hit the highway. You tolerated the drive home. On the way home, we had to stop at two pharmacies for your many meds. By the time we got you home, you were wore out! Dad and Robert got you in the house and it was a task ( the ramps are not built yet) and then into bed. Mom and Diana checked your vitals, gave you a breathing treatment, fed you and gave you your meds. Jackie and I unloaded your stuff, organized your closet and put stuff away. You seemed tired but I noticed your mood seemed different. I didn't get the reaction I was looking for but it is hard for you with your brain injury to show emotion but you seemed aware that you were out of the hospital and in a familiar place although your room is new to us all. Well Johnny, as exciting as it is for you to be home, you have so much hard work ahead of you. You can't get discouraged...well, yes you can but you can't give up! God's not through with you yet! You need to thank Him and Praise Him by testifying how He saved you and until you can, I'll do it for you. God has been so good to our family! It's amazing how He has drawn us all closer together. We love you Johnny and this is just the beginning.
Now!! Roll-up your sleeves little brother, you have a lot of work to do!
Love you!! xo Jen

Packed up and ready to go...you sleep...

Jackie is giving you a suction for the road

Who's in charge here?

Heading home...

Not sure what that look is for

Giving us a smile - your left side is still a little weak

Picture is blurry but shows your room...wasn't mom clever with the hockey sticks

No words needed : )

February 1, 2010


Everything is lined up...your coming home tomorrow.

Love you!! xo Jen

Monday, February 1, 2010

January 31, 2010


Mom said when she got to your room you were red in the face and all on your arms. She said she thought maybe you had a shower because your clothes looked fresh. She gave you a haircut and a shave. Mom said that when she was done you kept putting your finger under your trach collar and you would grab her hand and put it up to your trach collar. Finally she realized you were telling her that your neck itched from the little hairs from your haircut getting in under your collar. She changed out the trach collar and you were fine. When she told me that story, I was amazed…you will find any way to communicate. I am so proud of you! Mom took you to the second floor to look at the fish. We decided you enjoy them so much that we should get you a fish tank for your room. Maybe we could find something like a DVD that is like a fish tank but without the clean up. I wonder if there’s something like that out there….

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 30, 2010


Things are coming together at Mom’s…Your room is finished!! Your equipment is being delivered. Everything should be ready for your coming home day. I really think you are going to enjoy spending your time there recovering. We can’t wait to get you home where you belong, with your family!!

Love you!! Xo Jen

P.S. Update on your room:
Plumber came and finished all the pluming work. Your bathroom is beautiful!

January 29, 2010


The company who is going to provide your food came by the hospital but didn’t bring anything to be taken home yet. They are going to have to make a second trip. They showed Diana how to work everything. Diana went to your therapies. She said you did very well.

Love you!! Xo Jen

P.S. Update on your room:
Robert got your flat screen hung on the wall in your room. It looks really good. The detail work has been done…touch up on the paint, knobs on the drawers, etc.

January 28, 2010


You had a pretty good day today.

P.S. Update on your room:
Your room is very close to being finished. The tile guy came and did the tile work in the bathroom. The Plumber is supposed to come and put in the toilet, sink and faucets. It’s all coming together and really turned out very nice!

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 26 & 27, 2010


When I got to your room today, you were still in bed. It was past time for group so I’m guessing you’re going to miss it. I got you put into your wheelchair and took you to PT with Craig and Chris. Craig put you on the mat today. He sat behind you and moved you from left to right and had you push and pull against him. You really weren’t very alert this morning so you did cooperate very well.

After the mat therapy, they put you in the standing chair. Chris and I worked with you there. You stood for about 30 minutes.

I asked you if you liked standing and you gave me thumbs up. When PT was over, I had them put you back in bed. Respiratory came in and gave you a breathing treatment and then you were out like a light.

*Justin with Universal Medical came in to meet with me about your respiratory equipment for home. He sent me home with a suction machine, a nebulizer and respiratory “stuff”. The whole time Justin was there, you slept.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 27, 2010

Today is the weekly family meeting. We found out that you are being approved for an extended stay. Your release date is Tuesday, February 2nd. Your wounds are looking better and closing up. You received a new wheelchair. Your bed will be delivered to mom’s house on Monday. Mom said that you were very sleepy this morning and didn’t do too well in group today. Mom also said that when she walked into your room this morning you were sleeping; you woke up and turned your head to the right to look at Mom. That’s wonderful progress…shows us that you’re alert, aware of your surroundings and that the Botox is doing its job.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 25, 2010


You are supposed to go home today…. We’ll see. No news, so far.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 24, 2010


I gave you a close shave, cleaned your trach – it was nasty with dried gunk. Respiratory came in and gave you a breathing treatment. WE watched Practical Magic with your girl, Sandra Bullock. You at napped during the whole movie.

*Your bike is coming to my house today. We are going to take pictures of it and try to get it sold for you. It’s going to be terrible for me to walk past it every time I go into the house. I just don’t understand when I look at it and see no damage and then I look at you and see how much that accident has affected you. I just don’t understand!

*I painted the baby’s closet today, it’s a sage green. I’m planning on painting the room but I need to wait and find out if you’re having a baby niece or nephew.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 23, 2010


I helped put you in your wheelchair and we went out front for about 20 minutes today. You looked around and seemed to enjoy being outside. The birds were very active. We went to the 2nd floor next and you check out the fish. Then we sat on the 2nd floor balcony for about 20 minutes…until it started to sprinkle. You could see better over the railing when I set you more upright.

When we got back to your room, your nurse Rebekah fed you lunch through your g-tube and we changed the bandage on your elbow. About an hour later you were put back in bed. We watched a movie together. When I told you I was feeling the baby move, you touched my belly.

Love you!! Xo Jen

P.S. Update on your room:
Carpet is laid, walls are painted and trim is painted.

Your enjoying the weather out front

Watching the fish

Watching the birds on the 2nd floor balcony

Giving me a thumbs up

This is your bed, it helps to prevent bed sores

January 22, 2010


*Equipment meeting at 10:00 am…Craig wants mom to attend. It’s regarding your wheelchair and PT equipment you’re going to need at home.

*Wound care meeting at 2pm. Mom and Diana attended to learn how to care for you present and future wounds.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 21, 2010

I went to therapy with you; Craig let me put you in the standing chair…with his help… by myself. I helped lift you and then I did the rest myself. You did so good and I must say, so did I : ) You stood for about 30 minutes.

Chris – Did PT on your upper body and neck and then put you on the bike. You did very well! Then he put you back in bed and did your ankles and your feet. You feel asleep. I left.

Love you!! xo Jen

P.S. Update on your room:
Mickey & I took the cabinets he made for your closet to mom’s house…we had an ulterior motive, we wanted to see Cody. He’s been practically living with mom and Robert while working on your room when we got there; he was working with two men, spraying texture on the walls. The door-ways into the add-on have been cut through. Things are coming along really quickly.

January 20, 2010


Family conference today: Mom and Diana attended the meeting. We’ve asked for an extension until February 2nd on your stay at Baylor because of your wounds and because your room isn’t quite finished. We won’t find out until your release date if you’ve been granted an extension from the generous insurance gods…that was sarcasm.

Speech therapy with Kristina: You would not wake up for speech. Kristina tried to get you to spell with magnetic letters but you would not stay awake long enough. She gave you some lemon swabs too but that’s about all you would allow.
Group therapy: Answered on question right but, wouldn’t wake up long enough to participate.

Physical therapy with Chris & Craig: You stood in the standing chair. Afterwards, bed. Respiratory came in for a breathing treatment.
Diana stayed for your afternoon therapies. She said you were more awake for those.

Love you!! Xo Jen

January 19, 2010


When I got to your room you were in your wheelchair. Respiratory was suctioning you and then when they were done, I took you to group where you answered every question right. After group, we met up with Craig & Chris for PT. They put you in the chair that goes from sitting to standing. They call it the standing chair. Your blood pressure stayed about the same every time they took it. You stood for about 30 minutes and handled it really well. I took you back to your room and Chris came up to do your OT. He worked on your legs for 30 minutes and during your OT, respiratory came to do your breathing treatment and walked me through the process again. We both did great! I got you all situated in your bed and you relaxed until your next therapy session. It was hard to leave you, you weren’t asleep. You did wave bye to me though, when I left.

Love you!! xo Jen