Friday, September 25, 2009

September 23, 2009

Today during therapy, Jerry helped you get into the chair and he took you to the therapy room. You did therapy in your chair. You reached your right arm over to the left across the center of your body to grab where the pain was. This is a first! You also lifted your right arm up with help. Julie, your speech therapist, had you open and shut your mouth and stick out your tongue. You did all that on command. You are very aware of pain and say ouuuugh. Mom said that you were completely worn out when your therapy was finished.

Mom contacted the neuro rehab center to see if they would evaluate you. We feel like insurance is getting ready to move you again and want to make sure there is a place for you to go that will best suit you. This place takes brain injury patients. We'll see.

Love you! xo Jen

Mom came by after work. She said that you were coughing a lot of mucus. She said that you scratched around your G-tube (feeding tube) until it was bloody. She cleaned you up and treated it with neosporin. You are still sleeping.

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