Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 40 : March 16 - March 22


You've had a very busy week, full of new progresses.
Your physical therapy girls tag teamed you this week. The two pictures below are of you "hanging out". They were stretching your back. You did very well.

There pictures are of you on your tummy for the first time. I bet that was a weird sensation for you! Mom said you did really good.

Watching TV with Izzy. She loves the attention!!!

Mom and Jackie attended a Dynavox training seminar in Richardson Monday morning. Jackie navigated and mom took notes. She said hopefully she can remember all the helpful tips she learned when she gets home. Diana stayed with you all day.

When she got home, mom changed the screen you had been using - hiding all but four keys. She told you which one to hit and you kind of explored. Most of the time you drag your forefinger hitting a lot of keys along the way to the one you want, or you drag your knuckles. Mom told you to go to the "my needs" folder then touch "I have pain". You did that. Then she told you to push the button you would push if you had pain in your arm. The "my needs" and "I have pain" buttons were at the bottom of the screen and fairly easy to push but the arm button was three over and three up which was harder for you. You stared at it for a while and just when mom thought you might not understand, you raised your hand over the screen and deliberately pushed the "arm" button. Mom hollered and fussed all over you and you just grinned.

Mom is excited now about the Dynavox and she can see the potential in it for you to communicate. Special thank you to Karen, speech therapist at Traymore Nursing. She was the one who got the ball rolling to get you the Dynavox. We have Angels along the way!!!

Love you!! xo Jen

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