Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

You had a doctors appointment today at 9am. The ambulance picked you up at 8am and they let mom ride along to the appointment at UT Southwest. You had an appointment with Dr. Winn, he's the doctor that will put in the pump. He evaluated you. Mom called me about 9:30. She was crying and the reception was really bad and I was terrified because we lost the connection. She called me right back and she was laughing and crying. She said that the doctor told you if you could hear him to raise two fingers. You raised two fingers. Amazing! You heard him, you knew what two was. You knew what raise meant. Dr. Winn said that your not considered to be in a coma anymore, your considered to be coming out of the coma. PRAISE GOD!!! All the glory is HIS!! I'm telling you Johnny, God's not through with you yet! Well, Mom said that when you got back to Manorcare that you were snoring and had your mouth wide open. You were very limp and relaxed. After yesterday, that's excellent! Continue to pray...God's working miracles in Johnny!

From Mom:
Dr. Winn is changing the times you get your medicines so you can sleep at night. He can't put in the Baclofen pump until your second bout of pneumonia is gone. Soon, I hope! You are deliberately squeaking the are amazing me! Love you.


  1. I heard on the radio that sometimes the way of faith is sometimes the longest way...that is so true! You have been so faithful in knowing that God is in control!

  2. Jennifer, thank you for doing this blog! This is such an incredible resource and journal for when Johnny wakes up. It will be good for the healing process and for Jackie as well. What a wonderful, tangible testimony of God's miraculous healing!! Of course, you already know that. :)
    Sounds like roday was so much better than yesterday! Praise God, indeed. His comprehension and movement is a miracle!
    You're such a good sister. He's so blessed to have you and his mom during this extremely dfficult time.

  3. Hi Johnny,
    I've only been to see you once and that's when you were in Parkland. It was very difficult for me to see you that way. I want you to know that I love you and I love Jackie. I've had my church praying for you every day!! They even made a prayer quilt for you. I hope you can feel the prayers for you; people that don't even know you are praying for you. We love you and want you to wake up. Your little girl is growing into a young woman and you need to be here to shoo away all those boys! Ha ha :) I hope to see you soon. I love you very much.


  4. Johnny,
    The new season is upon us and I will dedicate this season to you brother. I will miss with you and going with you on your smoke breaks. You are the hardest working man I have ever met and I want you to know that you mean alot to me as a human being. I asked to borrow some money from several people at work and got the cold shoulder. You with no hesitation went to the ATM and got me that money. When I tried to pay you back, I had to suggest to break your right arm if you wouldn't take it back. Johnny you are too valuable to this world to be sleep. I almost lost it and couldn't sleep for a week when I saw you like that. I will check up on you everyday with this blog and hope to see you in your tight jeans and your jacket you bean pole you. I love you man and come back to us soon. You brother at work and your friend. Casey Jenkins.
